Monday, January 28, 2013

Please prepare for takeoff

Guys, I don't even know if my post title is clever/related or what, but let's just go with it. I had this idea of making a cool metaphor about my perspective of India/its culture/Bollywood and compare it to a flight?

Like I said, let's just go with it.

In "preparation for takeoff' (I am cringing, why are we going with this?) I realized... I'm not entirely sure what direction I want to take this blog. Several routes are available like I mentioned above. Do I discuss...

 A) An American born's take on India/its culture
 B) Compare India and America
 C) Compare specifically the pop cultures of both countries
 D) All of the above?

As I draft this out, I realize D might be the best option as it presents the most opportunities for content. Suggestions are welcome, y'all.

This flight isn't taking off just yet 'cause the pilot is still configuring the GPS. (Seriously, worst metaphor in life. I'll do better next post. I promise. I hope. We'll see.)

Blog Critique

The blog I chose to discuss was

The blog is very clean, organized and easy to navigate. Instead having several posts for one topic (e.g. The SAG Awards) they created different links within one post (with preview images) to save space and make it navigable. All a reader has to do is read a headline and look at the picture to decide if it's a post they want to read.

I love how their captions under the images were brief but hit the point and I hope to do something similarly on this blog. They inject humor into their little quips which I think would work well on this blog.

The downside to Tom and Lorenzo is their pro is also their con. With the multiple tabs as easy it is to navigate could also overwhelm users. Many people are "link lazy" and the idea of having to jump to another window is not tempting.

Ten Blogs I Fancy

Here are ten blogs I find interesting. In no particular order, my eclectic list.